Top-Quality Materials Used by Betterton's Natural Concepts Fencing Installation

Top-Quality Materials Used by Betterton's Natural Concepts Fencing Installation

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Having a fence on the property is important. Whether you are installing it to keep the prying eyes of intruders out or protect your landscape from animals, you must choose beautiful and functional fencing. The reason we are stressing about using top-quality fencing material is that the National Association of Realtors (NAR) reports that landscaping features, such as fences, can add up to 20% to your home's value. So, if you are planning to install a new fence or replace the old one, here are some premium materials used by Betterton's Natural Concepts for fencing installation that you should consider getting.

Best Materials Used by Betterton's Natural Concepts Fencing Installation

1.     Wood

Cedar and Redwood

Cedar and redwood are prized for their natural resistance to decay and insects. These woods contain natural oils that act as preservatives, providing long-lasting protection without the need for chemical treatments. This makes them an eco-friendly choice for fencing.

Pressure-Treated Pine

For those looking for a more budget-friendly option without compromising on quality, pressure-treated pine is an excellent choice, as the professionals of Natural Concepts suggested. The pressure treatment process infuses the wood with preservatives, enhancing its rot and insect damage resistance. This makes it a durable and cost-effective option for many homeowners.

2.     Metal

Wrought Iron

Wrought iron fencing is a timeless option used by Betterton's Natural Concepts for fencing installation company because it is strong and available in different designs. Its durability is unparalleled, often lasting for decades with proper care. The classic look of wrought iron adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any property.


For those seeking a lightweight yet sturdy option, the aluminum fencing offered by Natural Concept is ideal. It resists rust and corrosion, making it perfect for coastal areas or places with high humidity. Additionally, aluminum fencing can mimic the appearance of more expensive metals like wrought iron, offering a similar aesthetic but at a very lower cost.

3.     Vinyl

It has gained popularity in recent years due to its combination of durability and low maintenance. Betterton's Natural Concepts for fencing installation uses high-quality vinyl that can withstand harsh weather conditions without fading, warping, or cracking.

Vinyl fencing is available in a variety of styles and colors, allowing homeowners to achieve the desired look without the hassle of regular upkeep. It doesn't require painting or staining; a simple wash with soap and water can keep the fence looking new for years. This makes it convenient for busy homeowners who want a beautiful fence without constant maintenance.

4.     Composite

Another top-tier material for natural concept fencing installation is composite. Made from recycled wood fibers and plastic, it combines the best of both worlds. It is an eco-friendly option that Betterton's Natural Concepts uses because it is made with repurposed materials that would otherwise end up in landfills.

Designed to endure the elements, composite fences resist rot, insect damage, and fading. They also require minimal maintenance and can be easily cleaned, making them a practical and long-lasting choice for homeowners who want Betterton's natural concept fencing installation.

5.     Natural Stone

For a truly unique and robust fencing option, you should choose natural stone. Not only does it look beautiful, but it also blends with natural surroundings. Natural stone can be used in various styles, from rustic dry-stone walls to more formal, mortared constructions.

Each stone fence is unique, offering a one-of-a-kind look that enhances the property's aesthetic value. The use of stone by Betterton's Natural Concepts for fencing installation can be a durable option, often lasting a lifetime with minimal maintenance. They are resistant to weathering, pests, and other common issues affecting other fencing materials.

6.     Bamboo

Bamboo, a fast-growing and renewable resource, has gained popularity in fencing, especially among residents of Betterton. Its high quality and sustainability make it an excellent choice for creating stylish and eco-friendly fences.

Traditional wood takes a lot of time to grow, but bamboo grows rapidly, making it one of the most sustainable materials available. Moreover, they come in unique styles such as rolled bamboo, panel, and split bamboo. Each has different textures, which can make your fence visually interesting.

7.     Chain Link

This is a versatile and economical option that is widely used for both residential and commercial properties. Known for its durability and low maintenance, chain link fencing provides a practical solution for those needing a secure boundary. These are highly durable and corrosion-resistant, especially when galvanized or coated with vinyl.

The chain used in the fencing is made of steel, rendering it difficult to cut or break, thereby ideal for properties requiring the prevention of unauthorized access. Moreover, Natural Concepts fencing finds these fences relatively easy to install and require minimal maintenance, making them a cost-effective choice.

8.     Gabion

It is a unique and modern option that is used by Betterton's Natural Concepts for fencing installation. It consists of wire cages filled with stones, rocks, or other materials, creating a sturdy and visually appealing barrier. Gabion fences are very strong and can tolerate harsh weather conditions without requiring much maintenance. The wire cages are typically made from galvanized or coated steel, ensuring long-term resistance to rust and corrosion. This makes gabion fencing a practical and attractive option for many applications.

9.     Green

Live fencing, also known as living or green fencing, involves the use of plants to create a natural barrier. This eco-friendly option provides a functional boundary and enhances the landscape's beauty and biodiversity. Various plants can be used for this fencing, including hedges like boxwood, privet, and holly. Fast-growing options like willow can also quickly create a dense, secure fence. The choice of plants depends on the local climate, soil conditions, and desired aesthetic.

Wrap Up

Betterton's Natural Concepts for fencing installation services uses high-quality materials for long-lasting durability and aesthetic appeal. Whether you prefer wood, iron, or chain link, it's important to choose a material that complements your home's exterior. Careful consideration of the material, design, and style of the fence can truly transform your home and make it a sought-after property on the market.

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